


Some people can confuse loneliness with being alone, so what are the signs we should be looking out for? There are different types of loneliness but here are some common factors affecting an individual’s wellbeing….


Introducing The Fun To Your Walk


Introducing The Fun To Your Walk

One great benefit to getting outdoors is that it is free to do, it is accessible to all, whether you walk along the beach, in the woods, around the park with the dog or to the shops! Urban walks, countryside or coastal walks all provide an individual opportunity to work on their health. They all have their benefits, but how can we use the outdoor environment to progress our physical activity? How can we take that next step to interact with the environment further, but also build on the intensity of the workout to improve our fitness? Let’s explore this in more detail.


Training People To Make A Difference


Training People To Make A Difference

If we are lucky, we have friends and family, or possibly a supportive boss. It could be a professional person or mentor who can provide the community of support. Sadly, in some cases there is no one…


Finding Your Community


Finding Your Community

What does community mean to you?

Is it your neighbour you’re friends with, work colleagues, attendees at your weekly running session or your LGBTQ+ community?

Community can mean different things to everyone, and after recent events some communities and knowing your role with these groups has been lost.


Open To Change


Open To Change

This month I challenged my regular walkers to do extension exercises. We spend so much of our time doing movement patterns that flex the spine, round the shoulders and shorten the hip flexors and hamstrings. We walk and run forwards which stress our joints and muscles in the same way. We often talk about the need of having balance in our exercise programmes to help ensure are bodies are aligned and function properly…


World Mental Health Day Every Day


World Mental Health Day Every Day

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises 10th October annually as World Mental Health Day. This day provides us with an opportunity to talk about the topic of mental health. Many say that we shouldn’t need a day to remind us of something that we should be aware of every day…


Inequalities in Physical Activity and Health


Inequalities in Physical Activity and Health

It has been widely reported that certain inequalities are affecting people’s health, whether this relates to their wealth, gender, or race. This is a global issue, which begins at a young age and carries through to adult life. Physical inactivity influences a wide range of health complications, which can lead to premature mortality. When looking at health as a whole, diet and physical activity should go hand-in-hand, which can also influence your mental health. These inequalities were reported prior to the pandemic, with the CMO at the time raised as a concern. Now with covid amongst us and we are at home more, how has this influenced these levels?
