It's Time To Check In


It's Time To Check In

With February the month where you are meant to be back to your burst of energy after either, a sluggish January recovering or detoxing from Christmas, or motivated as you’ve found a routine within your new year new you regime, I find myself already in need for another seasonal break. I am already burnt out in month two! How did this happen?


The Importance of Being Fit in 2022

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The Importance of Being Fit in 2022

The cost of living is already increasing a lot over the last few months. Unfortunately for some they will consider giving up their gym membership or Pilates class etc. as the see it as a luxury item. But the truth is it is vital, we stay fit and healthy…

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Summer Inspiration


Summer Inspiration

We have been spoilt with the amount of sport on our TVs this summer. With the World Athletics, Women’s Euros, Tennis, Commonwealth and so much more... It has been fantastic and such a great time to feel inspired…


Training Tips for the Hot Weather


Training Tips for the Hot Weather

Summer solstice has been, the summer months have begun. I don’t know about you, but this summer feels warmer already and I am loving the lighter evenings. So, let’s think about how you can protect yourself when out training. It is important to take care in the heat, so we have come up with some simple tips to remind you how to prepare before exercising or walking outdoors…
