A Time of Change


A Time of Change

The schools will be back in the next couple of weeks. Students will be starting a new year of learning. This is a great time for adults to also embrace learning opportunities. It could be a hobby or an exercise programme. Perhaps sign up for a challenge or try for a career change. The choices are limitless if you sit down and do some research…


Is It Time To Think About Your Health And Fitness?


Is It Time To Think About Your Health And Fitness?

Summer is officially here. We have brighter mornings, lighter evenings, the warmer weather and luckily some exciting sporting events to watch this year. So why is this a great time to think about your fitness and health? With the extra light and opportunity to be outdoors, there are a lot more opportunities for you, which is easier to start now to get into routine. This is the time to maybe re-address the health goals or new year resolutions you set at the start of the year. Getting into gear now will help with your adherence when autumn kicks in…


Exercise adherence for beginners after COVID


Exercise adherence for beginners after COVID

The pandemic has made many non-exercisers realise the importance of being healthy to help fight infection and to build a strong immune system. Now we are allowed to exercise in the gym and obviously outside, instructors need to be prepared to work and motivate new exercisers…


This Time Last Year


This Time Last Year

This time last year we were still managing to get out and walk together. It seems like a long time ago and on occasion I wonder if we will ever get back to those times….





The month of love, friendship and admiration. When you send the one you love flowers, a card or even chocolate. But as Ru Paul likes to remind us, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?". With the pandemic still looming above us it has been a tough old year to fully embrace anything (literally!) with many having low days, which makes it even harder to love ourselves. Many have struggled with isolation or shielding, not able to meet loved ones or enjoy their love of any hobbies. With time a little slower, and possibly more time on your hands whilst we wait for the norm to re-emerge. Let's use February as a time to love ourselves. It is time to invest in YOU.


No Pain, No Pain?


No Pain, No Pain?

After a challenging 2020, and unpredictable entrance to 2021, the usual “New year, new me” mantras might not resonate with us in the same way. Some might find the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions exhausting and pointless – is it a waste of time to be setting goals and planning ahead in the uncertain climate we are living in?


One Small Act of Kindness

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One Small Act of Kindness

I have said this before, but did you know a small act of kindness, once a week for six weeks, is known to influence your mental wellbeing? I can’t think of a better time to utilise this than now.

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Is Giving To Others Good For Our Health?


Is Giving To Others Good For Our Health?

We have recently been going through some challenging times. It has become clear to me that the only way we are going to get through this is by relying on some very clever experts, key workers and motivated volunteers…
