Interview with Jaspal Gill


Interview with Jaspal Gill

Jaspal Gill, Campaign Lead at Southall Active Communities, has told us about her team’s plans for making the residents of Southall both mentally and physically healthier…


Connect, Move, Learn, Give and Be…


Connect, Move, Learn, Give and Be…

These are the five simple methods which can be adopted to improve your mental wellbeing. Attempting just one of these suggestions can give you direction, improving your positivity and mental balance.

With the prospect of further lockdowns, this can increase anxiety adjusting again to forever changing reforms, navigating our way through the new ‘norm’, it is a challenging time but this time we have opportunity to prepare. What can you do with the autumn change to aid your mental wellbeing for the rest of 2020?


Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)


Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

With everyone trying to adjust to the new ‘norm’, there has been a shift in people’s perspective and mental health. Let’s take a closer look into one type of anxiety which can be brought about by change and how this can relate to everyday life choices…


10 Things We Just Can’t Live Without


10 Things We Just Can’t Live Without

As we try to figure out the new ‘norm’, there are some things we just can’t wait to get back to. The lockdown has given us a lot of time to reflect. Giving us a new perspective, exploring new likes, priorities and wants, but there are some simple things we miss…


Black Lives Matter Statement


Black Lives Matter Statement

In the last couple of weeks we have taken time and space to learn and reflect on recent events. It is an unsettling time for many and we want to ensure that there is lasting change in the way that we and many others amplify black voices in the leisure industry who may have struggled before.


Get Health Ready for the New Normal 


Get Health Ready for the New Normal 

The past few weeks have been challenging. Many of us have had the challenge of staying indoors. The lucky ones have been able to go outside to exercise but many have been advised to stay at home for months. For those who have no outside space they can access, the only fresh air they have had is through a window or open door.

Not surprising, many are suffering from anxiety and stress….


Lockdown Life with Kids


Lockdown Life with Kids

We’re four weeks in, with home schooling due to begin again on Monday – how have you been finding lockdown life? For us the first week was full of good intentions, including detailed lesson plans and structured educational activity timetables, but reality soon set in…


Stay Happy and Healthy


Stay Happy and Healthy

It is a confusing and uncertain time for many, and after today’s announcement by the Prime Minister the nation has been enlisted to stay indoors, only allowed out for essentials. With the idea of staying in the house for the next 3 or even 12 weeks for some, this can be scary, lonely and even challenging at times. As well as the prospect of working from home, possibly home-schooling, worrying about employment or chilling watching Netflix, you will want to spend some time exercising to maintain your physical and mental health. We have come up with our top 10 tips to help you get started…
